Are You a Web Designer | Beware of SEO Mistakes!

Beware of common SEO mistakes if you are a web designer doing SEO. SEO is important for every website that is created for internet business. As you all know that search engine optimization is one of the most effective strategies of Internet marketing. But people sometimes get confused between web designing and SEO designing. There is an urgent need to find out the common mistakes and work hard to avoid them so that you can become successful in an internet business venture.

If you are interested to create an image heading then forget it because it can be a serious problem for SEO. It might look beautiful but the search engines will not take any notice of the text written inside the image. But you need not worry now because you can use the best-looking fonts through various other alternatives available.

Keyword spamming is an unforgivable mistake on the part of SEO designers. It would not help if you keep on mentioning the keyword hundred times inside the content. Highlighting the wrong keywords would also not help. Your content should not only be meant for the search engines but also for the target audience.

Not checking out what your competitors are doing for SEO designing is a big mistake. You must cross the keywords that you choose. Search how many other websites or companies are using the same keywords. It is also important to find out whether the pages have high ranks and whether you will be able to compete with them.

Do not ignore the redirects. There are usually two types of redirects permanent and temporary. The permanent is 301 and the temporary is 302. It is better to avoid the temporary or 302 redirects. This can create problems while using different domains.

If you are not using alt attributes then you are surely making a mistake. You need to use descriptive tags so that you can provide proper information about the image to the search engines like Google.

Having poor titles of pages can make your site go unnoticed by search engines. Being a SEO designer you need to pay proper attention to these facts. There are four common problems regarding the titles which are missing titles, short titles, duplicate titles, and long titles. If you have the tendency to include brand names in the title of each and every page then avoid the habit.

Did you forget offsite SEO? This can be a great mistake on your part. Offsite SEO can help you get the maximum number of backlinks to your website. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are also used these days.
Bad linking should also be avoided. According to Google, you should not have more than 100 links on a single page. Sometimes bad links have bad effects on the ranking of your website and the search engines might penalize you for bad linking.