Don't Eat on the Run

Don’t Eat on the Run!

Stress is a very common complaint today, with many of us feeling overworked, under pressure, and without enough hours in the day to get everything done. Besides the problems we often associate with stress, such as tension and anxiety, insomnia, and headaches the digestive system is one that is badly affected by stress. Many people…

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Weight Loss and Fad Diets

Weight Loss and Fad Diets

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) diet. Acai diet. Grapefruit diet. Hollywood diet. Juicing diet. Let me just get this out of the way right now. Fad diets are all garbage. Every last one of them. They all involve one or many of the following: A lab-synthesized hormone found in the urine of pregnant (HCG). My personal…

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How to keep your Hair healthy

How to keep your Hair healthy

Strong, voluminous and vibrant hair can increase your confidence and makes you feel like a diva. Long, thick and strong hair adds charm to the person’s personality. You will find various kinds of advice regarding conditioning, oiling and shampooing your hair. Your mother will advise you to oil your hair regularly. Some people will advise…

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